Hola internet peoples! As you know by now, Matt-Man and I have pledged to use the powers of I’m With Stupid only for good. We have used them on two occasions so far. Matt got outstanding results from Time Warner Cable, while I got less than acceptable results from the Nazi’s Ozark’s CW. But, the important thing is that we are here to make the world a better place.
And, our help has been requested again. Sunday, while lying in bed trying to convince myself to get up and face the day, I felt a tingling sensation “down there*.” I knew immediately that IWS’s help was needed. I got on Twitter and found that my very good friend Gnetch had sent up the IWS signal.
It seems as though Sunshine (my cute, endearing nickname for Gnetch) got liquored up imbibed in a few alcoholic refreshments and decided to sing Karaoke. And, her friend got some video of the ensuing awesomeness. So, Sunshine decided to upload the video to YouTube. But, YouTube refused to let her.
Desperate to have a chance to creepily watch Gentch’s video help my wonderful friend, I frantically tried to help her get the video uploaded. She tried everywhere we could think of. YouTube, Vimeo, Blogger, Tumblr, Photobucket, Google Plus and pretty much every other social media and video hosting site. I suggested everything short of her sending the video directly to me to attempt to upload myself. I thought about suggesting that, but I’m trying to limit my creepdom lately. We’ll see how that goes. Anyway, every site was a no go. So, I told her it might be time for IWS to call these sites out…
Look. This isn’t about some creepy dude who wants to see a video of a drunk, sexy Asian chick singing Karaoke. It isn’t about ME! It never is. It’s about what’s right and wrong. And not allowing Gnetchy to upload her video is just wrong. HAVE YOU PEOPLE NO SENSE OF DECENCY? Must you deny this person the happiness of uploading a video for her friends and stalkers?
At this point, I can only assume your collective refusals to upload her video to be discriminatory. I don’t make that charge lightly, but I see nothing else that it can be. And, should this DEPLORABLE AND OUTRAGEOUS ACT continue, I will have no choice but to, once again, call on the vast and diverse world-wide following of I’m With Stupid to take drastic action. When that happens, I will expect every person who responsible for this unacceptable situation to RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!
I have decided to engage in a semi-boycott of your sites on my own until you upload Gnetchy’s video. I will be boycotting Tumblr, Vimeo and Photobucket completely. I will boycott Blogger except when I am posting a blog, commenting on someone else’s blog or responding to comments on this blog. And I will be boycotting YouTube except for the times that I am drinking and/or am bored and decide to do searches for Japanese Game Shows or listen to some Grand Funk Railroad.
I recommend that everyone keep an eye on this blog and Gnetch’s Blog, Twitter and Tumblr to monitor developments** in this situation. I can only hope that this post will serve as a warning shot across all these social media and video hosting site’s bows and they get their shit together. Gnetchy is a good person and DOES NOT deserve to be treated this way. And we here at IWS simply aren’t going to stand for it.
*“Down there” = “In my heart” Where did you THINK it meant, ya pervo?
**“Developments” = “Watch her video when it gets posted”
**“Developments” = “Watch her video when it gets posted”
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