Happy Friiiiiiiiiday Bitches and welcome to the weekend on I’m With Stupid!!
Oh what a week it has been and let me tell you…if past is prologue, I have one fucked up future on my hands. Or, possibly not. Or…well, you decide.
I have many pet peeves, but one reared its ugly head last night, and by that, I mean, late last night which pissed me off, because I write in the moment and had to stay topical so I had to…
Erase my initial post and…oh sorry…Delete my initial post, and start over.
Something transpired over an innocuous Facebook post yesterday, that sent me into a tizzy. And, if you don’t know what a tizzy is…
It is a state of heightened, what the fuckness. Anyway, a chick that I was close to up til’ some TWENTY-SEVEN years ago, commented on my Facebook page over a picture I posted.
Her response was funny and was in keeping with, her penchant for comedy, which proceeded a few more funny comments which were posted by others and then…?
Her comment was gone.
My old High School girlfriend deleted her comment. It pissed me off. It made me angry, and most importantly…
It made my most funny comeback to HER comment look as though I was talking to myself. I hate that!!
The deletion of her comment made me angry because it revealed to me, something that I had always known.
People are fucking dicks.
And the worst thing?
People who are the closest, or at least used to be the closest, are the biggest dicks of all.
The chick who deleted her comment, gave me some lame excuse that it wasn’t worded well, and that’s why she did it.
Well, ten minutes after she typed that, and a like later, she “discovered” that. Gimme a break. She just doesn’t want to cause waves within her relationship. And seriously, that’s fine, and if that is what it takes, have at it.
If you are in a relationship with a person who doesn’t understand that women and men have been, will be, and can be friends with people from their past, present, and future in spite of their opposite gender, than really, do you really want to be part of their less than complex mentality?
I strike the theme with my friend as an example, but have seen it all too many times in others.
If a person loves you, they love you.
If they don’t? They don’t. It really is that simple.
A person can try to keep away other assumed suitors, interlopers, and tempters and temptresses, but in the end?
She loves you, and you love her; or you don’t.
In the meantime, there’s no reason to label a person who would like to talk to an old buddy, a threat.

I have many pet peeves, but one reared its ugly head last night, and by that, I mean, late last night which pissed me off, because I write in the moment and had to stay topical so I had to…
Erase my initial post and…oh sorry…Delete my initial post, and start over.
Something transpired over an innocuous Facebook post yesterday, that sent me into a tizzy. And, if you don’t know what a tizzy is…
It is a state of heightened, what the fuckness. Anyway, a chick that I was close to up til’ some TWENTY-SEVEN years ago, commented on my Facebook page over a picture I posted.
Her response was funny and was in keeping with, her penchant for comedy, which proceeded a few more funny comments which were posted by others and then…?
Her comment was gone.
My old High School girlfriend deleted her comment. It pissed me off. It made me angry, and most importantly…
It made my most funny comeback to HER comment look as though I was talking to myself. I hate that!!
The deletion of her comment made me angry because it revealed to me, something that I had always known.
People are fucking dicks.
And the worst thing?
People who are the closest, or at least used to be the closest, are the biggest dicks of all.
The chick who deleted her comment, gave me some lame excuse that it wasn’t worded well, and that’s why she did it.

If you are in a relationship with a person who doesn’t understand that women and men have been, will be, and can be friends with people from their past, present, and future in spite of their opposite gender, than really, do you really want to be part of their less than complex mentality?
I strike the theme with my friend as an example, but have seen it all too many times in others.
If a person loves you, they love you.
If they don’t? They don’t. It really is that simple.
A person can try to keep away other assumed suitors, interlopers, and tempters and temptresses, but in the end?
She loves you, and you love her; or you don’t.
In the meantime, there’s no reason to label a person who would like to talk to an old buddy, a threat.