Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Joe Paterno Fired: and somehwere a little boy is crying It's a Travesty!!

Cheers all…Matt-Man here. And ya know what?

For today’s post, I was going to write a overtly offensive and satirical piece as Slyder Balzcock about the sexual molestation allegations against former Penn State University defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky today, but…

After a couple of pints of Wild Irish Rose and a few beers, I changed my mind.

Yesterday on the IWS Radio Show, Jayman and I joked about Jerry Sandusky and his alleged penchant for little boys. I have no regrets about that, it’s what we do, and…some of what we said is very funny.


Much of the joking we did, revolved around the shameless obviousness of not only Jerry Sandusky’s alleged child rape activities, but how the administration of PSU tried to cover it up, and how over-zealous and lemming type PSU fans are outraged over the media coverage of this sad situation as well.

Y’know…Not only has and is Jerry Sandusky allegedly suffering from a sickness that compels him to seek out young boys in a sexual way, Joe Paterno, if all of the allegations are found to be true, is guilty as hell as well.

I know Penn State fans, your beloved Joe Pa can do no wrong but, if the allegations bear out, Paterno is less than a good man than Sandusky is.

If proven true, Jerry Sandusky and his sexual molestations and raping of little boys is sick, twisted, and obviously, illegal. If proven true, Sandusky should live out his remaining years in prison. I think even PSU supporters agree with me on that.


Where ardent and even only casual supporters of Penn State University may differ with me, is the amount of blame Joe Paterno should take.

It has been reported that Paterno knew that Sandusky had been, and was “recruiting” little boys as young as eight, as far back as back 2002.

Paterno had the ability to protect little kids, or protect the program, he sadly, chose the latter..You see…In 2002 a Graduate Assistant told Joe Paterno that Sandusky was assaulting a little boy in a shower. What did beloved Joe Pa do?

He did was he was obligated to do…He informed the AD or whoever was above him on the money machine that is the College Football food chain.

Sure, Joe Paterno did the right thing by the numbers, but he failed to do what is right, and what was right in this instance, was to call the police, or at least urge the AD to call the police and get to the truth.

That fact about Paterno’s inaction, aside from the alleged abuse of innocent kids at the hands of Jerry Sandusky, is the saddest thing about this story.

You see…Paterno, whether one likes Penn State football or not, is a coaching legend. He has won more games than anyone in Division I football…He in the eyes of college football fans, is (or was) an icon.

And now?

He is none of that. He is now nothing but an old man who put his ego and the next bid to a BCS Bowl above what is right…above what is right.

Due to his work and hands-on approach over the decades, Joe Paterno created and edified the success that is the Penn State football program, and yet, in what seems like seconds…

By his inaction and hands-off approach, he destroyed it.

Even if found to be true, Penn State and its football program could have survived Jerry Sandusky going to prison for his barbarous actions against kids, but only if one thing had happened some years ago…

If the mighty shaper of men, pillar of character, and no-nonsense legend Joe Paterno had turned to the police rather than the money hungry halls of the University, PSU would be fine, as would Paterno himself.

However…The loveable, avuncular Joe Pa chose the path of least resistance, the road to more funding, and the quasi-clearing of his own conscience, and sold out.

It’s sad.

I have often said to people who say to me, “Matt, you should really respect your elders.”

I always retort, “I respect wisdom, and let me tell you, wisdom does not always come with age.”

And in Joe Paterno’s case, neither does doing the right thing.

I began joking with others some eight to ten years ago, how Joe Paterno should retire because his heart was not in the game anymore, but he won’t because he hates his family…Little did I know how right I was.



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