Monday, December 26, 2011

Some People, Places and Things I've Had Enough Of

The late, great George Carlin once said “I don’t have pet peeves; I have major psychotic fucking hatreds, okay?” Well I tell ya what, there are a number of people, places and things that I’ve just about fucking had enough of. Now that Christmas and all that positive and happy shit is over, I’m finally free to post a list of ‘em. Of course, this is just a partial list, but it’s a good start.

1. People who take it personally if I don’t like their favorite music, movies, tv shows, sports teams, food etc. It’s okay for us to not agree 100% of the fucking time.
2. The media telling me who to root for or who to like. I’ll choose my own heroes and my own fantasy babes, thank you.
3. Zombies, vampires and other fucking freaks.
4. Republicans
5. Taylor Swift
6. People trying to force their religious beliefs on me.
7. People with a huge sense of entitlement.
8. People who call anyone who disagrees with them on anything a “Nazi.”
9. The Chevy Volt.
10. Democrats

11. The grammar police
12. Burkina Faso – The whole fucking country.
13. Paula Deen, Guy Fieri, Melissa D’Arabian, Ina Garten, Rachael Ray and the fucking Neely’s. 
14. Libertarians
15. Rachel Maddow
16. Willful ignorance.
17. Blind partisanship
18. Tim Fucking Tebow
19. People who are always playing the victim.
20. Really good looking and popular people who claim that they are “nerds.”

21. Hipsters
22. People who don’t answer emails
23. Passive-aggressive people
24. Jon Gruden and pretty much every everybody else on ESPN, but especially Skip Bayless.
25. People who beg celebrities on Twitter to retweet them or reply to them
26. People on twitter who retweet compliments they receive, but don’t say thank you.
27. The BCS
28. Utah
29. Nanny Staters and do-gooder busybodies
30. Every time a story like “Number of homeless children at highest level ever in US” comes out and people start arguing over which political party is to blame instead of realizing we as a society are to blame.

Okay, I actually feel a little better now.

-- And, if you want to be all positive and happy and sentimental and all that stuff, you should totally listen to I’m With Stupid’s very special Christmas Day Show. That’s right kids, we went live on Christmas Day for our fans and friends. That’s just the thoughtful kind of guys we are.

We talked about Christmas itself, some of our happy Christmas memories, giving and receiving presents, spending time with family and just all the wonderful stuff that Christmas is all about. You should totally listen. If you don’t a GOP candidate for president might imply that you hate Jesus. You don’t want that to happen!

Listen to internet radio with Im With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio

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